Photo credit Michael Wilson

Photo credit Michael Wilson

Farm News first began as a semi-regular publication written and published by Sean Whalen about his experiences farming Poor Farm in Chester, Vermont. Storms and a growing family and flock brought him to Weathersfield, Vermont where he, his partner Ashley Hensel-Browning, and their three children Aurora, Saul, and Leona are tenant farmers on a beautiful property owned by the Hunter Trust. 

Farm News now includes a flock of sheep, a couple dairy goats, laying hens, and seasonal pigs and meat birds. Sean has been working on curing his own meat while Ashley has been playing with cheesemaking. We maintain a large garden with a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs and create many preserves and specialty products including floral jellies, fermented vegetables, herbal teas, and salsas. 

We have a small sugar house on site and make maple and birch syrup. We press apples on site as well to make both sweet and hard cider in the fall.

The offerings at Farm News change with the season and we will update regularly with available products. Currently, pick-up is available at the farm or Sean and Ashley can arrange deliveries to Chester and Springfield. Please do not hesitate to be in touch, come rake the hay. or jump in the pond!